Message Board Postings
The following is a list of all posted notes on the Wayfarer's Inn message board.
Message 1: Ooo ye of stalwart hearts and mind I beseech thee to consider our plea. We desire to hire a leader who will form a group of bold adventurers that will help rid us of a most undead nuisance. Please ask the Keeper for more information. (Level 1 Adventure)
Message 2: Paying best prices for herbs and such at the Apothecary.
Message 3: A copper nub to the one who layz to rest that yaller egg suckin dog whats been stealin me eggs! See Nester outs back nar the henhawc.
Message 4: Payin good gold fer dead goblins! Signed Sir Niglund. P.S. Ask ole Keeper bout it. (Level 1 Adventure)
Message 5: Sir Malcolm of Old Fort is NOW HIRING A MERCENARY UNIT LEADER for front point scouting missions. Inquirers should petition the Keeper for details. (Level 1 Adventure)
Message 6: Top coin for fresh venison, bear meat, rabbit, squirrel, and any other edible varments. See Blaze with your kill to haggle a price.
Message 7 Old Gaard, the mage, who lives at the end of the Whitewater Promenade in Neverwinter has a few small items he'd like brought to Silverymoon. It's dangerous, and he's willing to pay well an adventuring band who will take on this challenge. See the Keeper for directions. (This is a Level 1 to 20 and beyond epic campaign. Do not apply if you don't plan on dedicating a long time to this game. Min 4 characters to start.)
Message 8: The Wayfarer's Inn is hiring entertainment of all varieties. Seek an audition with Fleur the Rose.
Message 9: BEWARE !!! of the traveling gypsy Halfling known as Peddler whose selling fake elixirs, and magic potions. A bounty of 50 gold will be issued for information that leads to the arrest of this con artist.
Message 10: The Viscount of the lands of which Hommlet is governed has called upon their Lord to investigate strange happening about the village. Bandits have begun to ride the roads again—not frequently, but to some effect and the Viscount desires to hire a band of mercenaries to investigate. Ask at the Village of Hommlet's Inn of the Welcome Wench. See the Keeper for directions. (This is a Level 1 to 20 and beyond epic campaign. Do not apply if you don't plan on dedicating a long time to this game. Min 4 characters to start.)
Message 11: "You lost something, or it was stolen from you? You need to find someone who's eluding you? You are in dire need of crucial information? See the Keeper for Felmin Pasdeloup.
The games of chance are monitored by the staff to ensure that they remain safe, and to prevent cheaters from taking an unfair advantage. It is a well known fact that magic is used to determine if someone is trying to use something that will give them an unjust benefit. Get caught trying to use bracers of strength or a potion of luck to enhance your chances to win will get you fined. If you get caught, the fine is 10 gold. Those who refuse to pay the fine could find themselves banned from participating in all betting events or even worse.
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
D20+STR – Lowest roller’s arm is brought down 1 tier (x).
Natural 20 roll wins the roller a 2 tier (2 x’s) advantage against opponent.
Natural 1 roll loses the roller 2 tiers (2 x’s) against his opponent.
The bet is between the wrestlers, with bet raises as agreed upon by both. Bets can occur on each roll between the wrestlers if both agree to the bet.
House bets are conducted by the bookie for that event with top bet limit being 20 gold. Bets cannot be raised after the event starts. House payout is double the placed bet for those who bet on the winner.
Individual bets between guests are allowed with no limit to the bet amounts.
Participation in viper and scorpion wrestle is at the characters own risk. The poisons from these matches can cause a character to be sick to the point of death from 1d6 days.
D20+DEX. Target DC is 15 and it’s the best of 5 missiles. Tie starts all over with the best of 5 till someone wins.
Natural 20 is a dead center hit.
Natural 1 means there is a 10% chance you hit your opponent for 1/2 damage.
The bet is between the throwers only, with bet raises as agreed upon by both. Bets can occur on each roll between the throwers if both agree to the bet.
Multiple players to a maximum of 5 are allowed. If there isn't a winner in the first round because of a tie or multiple ties, the players with the highest tie number will play a tie-breaker round. This round is played using a single throw until there is a winner. (EX: If three players hit four out of five, and 2 players hit 3 out of 5, the lower tie loses, and the 3 players with the highest tie go to the next round, and so forth until there is a winner.)
The House doesn't conduct bets on this game.
Individual bets between guests are allowed with no limit to the bet amounts.
Serpent Eyes
2D4 are used.
Snake eyes wins automatically unless there is a tie or multiple tie.
Highest double wins if there are no snake eyes, or unless there is a tie of that double or multiple tie of that double.
Tied players re-roll until there is a clear winner.
Multiple players to a maximum of 5 are allowed. If there isn’t a winner in the first round because of a tie or multiple ties, the players with the highest tie number will play a tie-breaker round. This round is played until there is a winner. (EX: If three players roll doubles, regardless of number, and 2 players roll snake eyes, the players who rolled snake eyes will continue, and the 3 players with the doubles will lose.)
The first bet is between the dice players only. Further bets can occur on a tie roll between the players if all agree to the bet again.
The House doesn’t conduct bets on this game.
Individual bets between guests are allowed with no limit to the bet amounts.
From time to time the inn conducts matches between noted personalities who excel in brawn, or weapon finesse. These matches draw quite a crowd. Sometimes even guests wish to get involved and show their prowess by asking the inn to sponsor a match between them and a noted personality or even a dangerous creature. More oft than naught, guests will outright challenge another guest. Most know of how the management frowns upon unsanctioned brawls and personal fights in the inn, so these challenges are kept respectable by having the inn sanction the fight. If both parties agree to such an encounter, the inn will sanction the fight the same as any other event.
Unlike other events that the inn sponsors, these events are not heavily restricted. A challenger is allowed to bring the best they have to the table, including magic. The only rule is that the inn isn’t damaged in any way during the bout.
Most events of this nature are held outside, since they draw large crowds, but some are held indoors in the pit fight area.
*These games are just games I have used in the past, and I welcome any other games you would like to donate to this list. Short and easy games only please.